
Spring, for me, is like blinking awake from a long sleep…or snapping out of a droopy-eyed state. Kinda like when you’re in a meeting and something HUGE is P1130768being shared by the top guy, but all you hear is “blah, blah..blah, blah, blah…Great job, everyone. Meeting’s over.” At which point you propel out of your seat and practically run from the room for fear of being dragged into an impromptu meeting. You know, because they’re ready to start on the project discussed…the one you weren’t paying any attention to…Not that I’ve ever experienced any of that before! *whistles innocently while staring at the sky*

Still, the fact that Spring is here, in all its rainy-sunny-cold-warm-freezing-hail-sunny again schizo state (hey, it *is* typical Pacific Northwest weather after all!) does make me feel like we’re headed towards better days, both literally and figuratively. Soon there will be endless sunshine (only in my dreams!)…ice cream…lollipops…and unicorns!

Don’t know about you, but I’m soooo ready for all that!

Why do you look forward to Springtime in your part of the world?

Happy Mix-It-Up Monday,